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بررسي مدلهاي هندسي مختلف شيلد به منظور ايجاد سازگاري الكترومغناطيسي

FDTD ابزاري قدرتمند براي حل مسايل مربوط به ميدانهاي الكترومغناطيسي... read more


بررسي مدلهاي هندسي مختلف شيلد به منظور ايجاد سازگاري الكترومغناطيسي

ابزاري قدرتمند براي حل مسايل مربوط به ميدانهاي الكترومغناطيسي است و به همين علت […]

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A Buried-Feed Sierpinski Double-Gasket Patch Antenna For Wide-and Multi-Band Communications

در این مقاله یک آنتن میکرو استریپ فراکتال و تغذیه معرفی شده و خواص […]

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A Study of Electromagnetic Radiation from Monopole Antennas on Spherical-Lossy Earth Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method

Radiation from monopole antennas on spherical-lossy earth is studied using the finitedifference time-domain (FDTD) […]

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Analysis of Omnidirectional Leaky Coaxial Waveguides Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method

The omnidirectional leaky coaxial waveguides are analysed by the finite-difference timedomain (FDTD) method in […]

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Analysis and Design of a Novel Dual Band Frequency Selective Surface Based on Inset Crossed-Dipoles Fractal Geometry Using 3D FDTD Method

The multiband properties of selfsimilar fractals can be exploited to design multiband frequency selective […]

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تازه ترین مقالات

AVR Programming
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مجلاتThe MagaPi
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