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A survey on Electric Power T&D Automation around the World

Now a days T&D Automation Systems is one of the most important subjects in this fields . A survey... read more


ICCP (TASE.2) as a Standard Protocol for Communication Between SCADA/EMS Applications: A Survey

In this paper, a pithy description about the ICCP1 also known as TASE.2 is […]

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اتصال پذيري اسكادا و نرمافزارهاي مديريت شبكه برق

يكي از مسائل مهمي كه مراكز كنترل شبكه برق با آن مواجه هستند، ايجاد […]

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AVR Programming
0.00 KB 97 downloads
مجلاتThe MagaPi
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