جست و جو مقالات

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Integrated Application of STATCOM and SMES to Improve Power Swings Damping Based on Direct Lyapunov Method

In this paper a comprehensive approach is presented to improve power swings damping based on direct Lyapunov... read more


High power super electrical heater reflectors usable in electrical furnaces Simulation and optimization for power loss reduction

“> Super heater elements concentrated in very high and clean power at temperature up […]

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Energy Management in a Fuel Cell’s Dispersed Generation System By a Hierarchical Genetic Controller

This paper deals a new strategy developed for  optimizing the energy flow by using […]

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Global Hybrid Control in Power Electronics Systems: A Novel Concept

Several attempts have been made to design a suitable controller for power electronics converters, […]

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Ferroresonance Suppression Circuit in Coupling Capacitive Voltage Transformer Using Power Electronic Devices and Surge Arrester

To avoid or damp out ferroresonance in coupling capacitive voltage transformer (CCVT), a ferroresonance […]

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Evaluation the Effects of Overload and Ambient Temperaturein Power Transformer in M.R.E.C

This paper presents the evaluation of power transformers overloading in transmission and over distribution […]

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Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Iran’s Electricity Generation Sector

Nowadays the global climate change has been a worldwide concern and the greenhouse gases […]

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Electrical Parameters of Phosphorous Spin–on Diffusion of Polysilicon Solar Cells

This paper describes the fabrication of polysilicon cell with phosphorous spin-on diffusion technique and […]

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Demand for new generation of insulating oils


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