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Lead/Lag SSSC Based Controller for Stabilization of Frequency Oscillations in Multi-Area Power System

This paper proposes a new application of Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) to stabilization... read more


Optimal Selection of SSSC Based Damping Controller Parameters for Improving Power System Dynamic Stability Using Genetic Algorithm

This paper proposes a new genetic-based approach for optimal selection of the Static Synchronous […]

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Effects of FACTS Controllers on Maximum Loading Point to Study Static Voltage Collapse Phenomena

One of the major causes of voltage instability is the reactive power limit of […]

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بهبود قابليت انتقال در دسترس سيستم قدرت توسط SSSC

در اين مقاله افزايش قابليت انتقال در دسترس ATC1با به كار بردن يكي از […]

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Controller Design of SSSC for power System Stability Enhancement using HBMO

In this paper, a novel method is developed for designing the output feedback controller […]

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بهبود عملكرد SSSC و SVC در كاهش دامنه نوسانات حالت گذرا با پيشنهاد سيگنال كنترلي مناسب مبتني بر شرط پايداري لياپانوف

SSSC به عنوان جبران كننده سنكرون استاتيك سري و SVC به عنوان جبران كننده […]

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