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A new analytic model to simulate the electrical behavior of a snow-covered insulator

One of the most serious problems associated with snow and ice accumulation is insulator flashover. Though... read more


آناليز حالت گذراي اضافه ولتاژ موج صاعقه در سيستم انتقال با مدلسازي و بررسي دكل خط انتقال 400 kvتبريز- زياران

با توجه به اهميت اضافه ولتاژهاي ناشي از صـاعقه در منـاطق كوهستاني كشور و […]

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New Electrical Model of Polluted Insulators and Mathematical Analysis of Arc Constants

one form of high voltage insulator failure is flashover phenomenon that can cause problems […]

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Prediction of Flashover Occurrence in Porcelain and Glass Insulators by Using Phase Angle Difference Indicator Based Experimental Tests

Environmental condition such as pollution and humidity can influence on expected performance of insulators […]

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مدلسازي دكل سيستم فوق توزيع جهت آناليز اضافه ولتاژ موج صاعقه

در اين مقاله يك روش جديد جهت ارزيابي جرقه زني فاز به زمين و […]

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AVR Programming
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