دانلود کتاب Microelectronics Systems and Devices
Microelectronics Systems and Devices
Owen Bishop
This book is written for a wide range of pre-degree courses in Microelectronic Systems. The contents have been carefully matched to current UK syllabuses at Level 3, but the topics covered, depth of coverage, and student activities have been designed so that the resulting book will be a student-focused text suitable for the majority of courses at pre-degree level around the world. The only prior knowledge assumed is basic maths and science.
The book is a study guide, suitable for class use and also for selfinstruction. The main text is backed up by boxed-off discussions and summaries, which the student may read or ignore, as appropriate. The essential features of a microelectronic system are described. These are illustrated by descriptions of typical systems: a cordless telephone, programmable logic controllers in industry, a personal computer, measuring instruments and data loggers, the control room of a power station, and distributed processing in flight control of aeroplanes.
Each chapter ends with a batch of examination-type questions, and in most instances with a selection of multiple choice questions. Answers to the multiple choice questions appear at the end of the book.
Owen Bishop’s talent for introducing the world of electronics has long been a proven fact with his Beginner’s Guide to Electronics, Understand Electronics and a range of popular circuit construction guides chosen by thousands of students, lecturers and electronics enthusiasts. He is also well known for his college texts such as Understand Technical Mathematics.