جست و جو مقالات

دسته بندی

A Fuzzy Logic Controller for Regulator problems with time-varying delays and uncertainties

n this paper we propose a novel Fuzzy Logic Control Architecture...

Nested Continuous Sliding Mode Control for Matched and Unmatched Uncertainty Rejection in Nonlinear Systems

In this paper, we consider nested sliding mode control of SISO...

State Analysis of Discrete-time Singular Nonlinear Systems Using a Fuzzy Neural Network

Singular systems have been the subject of interest over the last...

راهكاري جديد درطراحي كنترل كننده قابل شكل دهي مجدد با استفاده از جايابي ساختار ويژه

در اين مقاله يك روش جديد در طراحي كنترلكنندههاي...

كنترلر خطي متغير با پارامتر با معيار H 2تعميم يافته

هدف اين مقاله طراحي كنترلر با معيار...

Identification of Modal Series Model of Nonlinear Systems Based on Subspace Algorithms

Modal Series analysis of nonlinear system could have found several...

تشخيص، شناسايي وحذف خطاي سنسور در سيستمهاي غير خطي نا شناخته

 در ايـن مقالـه يـك روش نـوين بـراي...

QFT Controller Synthesis For A Nonlinear Flexible Joint Robot

 In this paper, a practical method to design a robust controller...

Nonlinear H ∞ Controller Synthesis for Flexible Joint Robots

In this paper the design of an optimal nonlinearH  controller...