جست و جو مقالات

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Generation Expansion Planning in Pool Market: A Hybrid Modified Game Theory and Particle Swarm Optimization

Unlike the traditional policy, Generation Expansion Planning...

Profit Increasing in a Competitive Electricity Market by Coupling NaS Battery system to Fuel-Constrained Power Plant

This work introduces coupling fuelconstrained power plant and...

Proposing New Methods for Management of Reactive Power Market

One of the issues that have received increased attention in the...

Effects of FACTS Controllers on Maximum Loading Point to Study Static Voltage Collapse Phenomena

One of the major causes of voltage instability is the reactive...

Design of UPFC Controller Using PSO for Damping Power System Oscillations

In this paper generation and transmission expansion planning...

Design of UPFC Controller Using PSO for Damping Power System Oscillations

In this paper, two different objective functions are proposed...

SIME-Based Approach for Real-Time Dead Time Assessment In Reclosing of Transmission Lines

Dead time selection in reclosing of transmission lines depends...

The Role of Hopf Bifurcations in Stability Analysis of Power Systems

Recognized as a kind of local bifurcation Hopf bifurcations can...

A Novel Approach for Short Term Electric Load Forecasting Based on Wavelet Networks

Short term electric load forecasting is necessary for optimum...

A Simple and Efficient Control for STATCOM by Averaging Technique

Power theories are used to develop reference signals for FACTS...